Justus Haucap is ranked among the Top 30 most influential economists


According to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (F.A.Z.), our partner Prof. Dr. Justus Haucap is one of the top 30 most influential economists in Germany. In the total ranking, Haucap holds 21st place. Haucap is a popular advisor, especially in ministries and among members of the Bundestag. This is shown by the political survey, according to which Haucap is among the top ten most influential economic advisors.

The F.A.Z. economists' ranking takes into account the influence in media, politics, social media and science. It is developed in cooperation with the media research institute Unicepta, the association for scientific political consulting Econwatch, the ZBW - Leibniz Information Center for Economics, the scientific publisher Elsevier and the DICE.

To the Ranking